Pay Portal

Your paystub, W-2 and employee reimbursement information are available from outside the DPS network.

The link for the employee pay portal is “

 You are required to create a new ID and Password upon your initial website visit.

  • To begin point and click on the blue “Register with Employee Portal” text located on the upper right hand corner of your screen.

  • Be prepared to have a “User Name”, a unique “Password”  and a personal email address ready and key this information in the system as prompted.  

  • If all information is keyed correctly,  you will get a message “Your account has been successfully created”.

  • Click on ‘Continue’ and a login screen will display.

  • You can now log into the portal using your newly created ID and Password!

  • Once logged in the pay portal you will see a list of check dates, check numbers, amounts, check type, direct deposit status and the option to print or view each check.

  • You will also have a button “View W-2” if you need to view your W-2.

  • The payroll checks will go back to 3/31/2010 and W-2 to 2007.


If you need to reset your password:

    • Go to website:

    • Click on the blue “Forgot password”

    • Type in your user name

    • Click on continue

    • You will get a message that a temporary password has been sent to the email address you used when you set up your profile.

    • You will receive an email with a temporary password from [email protected]

    • Select “Change Password”

    • You will complete the requested information including a new password.

    • Select Return and a message “Password successfully changed” will appear.

      • You can now begin using the DPS employee pay portal.